Terms and Conditions

The Ethos
The ethos of Tutor In A Box is very positive, engaging and fun! It’s all about teaching the methods and materials in a way students remember – and feel good about.

To this end we provide engaging and interactive English, Maths and Science tuition for children all the way from primary school (Year 1 upwards) to A-Level. We also support adult learners and those doing re-sits. There is lots of interaction and practical resources, encouraging students to have a go or try this so individuals learning themselves by doing. Positivity is a key part of learning and they will feel reassured and supported the entire way.

Whilst the ethos is the same for every student, the lessons are planned differently according to a students needs – GCSE students typically focus on more specific topics whereas at the younger age groups there’s more exploration on numbers and less focus on one topic.

These T&C’s below relate to private tuition by an individual parent/guardian for their child/children and not a school organising tuition for their students. Please see our schools page for T&C’s.

Code of Conduct
Our code of conduct is emailed to all parents/guardians when a student signs up. By continuing tuition, you are assumed to have agreed to these. You can find a copy of the Code of Conduct below:

Here at Tutor In A Box we agree to:

  1. Provide high quality tuition
  2. Treat everyone with respect
  3. Bring a positive and friendly manner to each session
  4. Look out for the welfare of the child
  5. Act professionally at all times

As a student with Tutor In A Box you agree to:

  1. Arrive on time for your lesson (after 15 minutes the lesson will be deemed to have been missed and cancelled)
  2. Be set up with a device suitable for LessonSpace/Zoom in a quiet environment (where possible this should not be your bedroom)
  3. Be friendly and treat everyone with respect
  4. Listen and cooperate with your tutor
  5. Take responsibility for your own behaviour
  6. Talk to your tutor about anything that worries or concerns you
  7. Not be on any other applications/devices during the session other than the ones used (Lessonspace/Zoom) unless specified by the tutor

As a parent/carer at Tutor In A Box you agree to:

  1. Ensure you are within listening distance of the student when sessions are happening
  2. Treat everyone with respect
  3. Provide the student with a device suitable for LessonSpace/Zoom in a quiet environment (where possible this should not be their bedroom)
  4. Cancel any sessions with at least 48 hours notice
  5. Give at least 1 month’s notice to terminate any tuition
  6. Ensure the student is not using any other applications or devices during the session other than the ones specified by the tutor

Tuition Fees
Monthly tutoring packages consist of individual lessons, along with the additional resources included on the Tutor In A Box website. Fees are paid monthly in advance on or around the 25th and payment is required by the 1st of the following month. Payment can be made via BACS using the details on the bottom of the invoice. Late payment fees will be charged for any payment not made on time (including interest). If you wish to increase or decrease the number of tuition sessions per month, please get in touch ahead of the 15th of the month or follow the information in the Cancellations section.

All tuition will be held online, or on occasion at an agreed venue in advance. Our online lessons therefore require a webcam, microphone and a good internet connection. The normal software used is called LessonSpace, which is easy to use and students will be sent a link with details of their meeting. It is recommended students have access to a quiet space and a laptop throughout tuition.

All lessons are recorded and held on a dedicated server in the UK. Recordings will be available for a period of 12 months, after which they will be removed from all devices and cloud services accessible. You may request a copy of the session; however, any recordings must not be shared externally with any third party outside of Tutor In A Box unless required for investigation for safeguarding concerns. If you feel any session recordings need to be shared externally, please advise Tutor In A Box. Please advise us, if for any reason your child cannot be recorded prior to starting online tuition to allow us to make the appropriate alternative arrangements in advance.

Please note that a student is booked in for a particular time slot and that time is reserved specifically for them. If a student arrives late, time will not be made up afterwards. 30 minute lessons will last 25 minutes, and ‘hour’ long lessons will last 55 minutes.

Four (4) lessons a month
Tuition is paid monthly at the beginning of the month for a specific number of sessions (i.e. 4). Where there is more than 4 weeks in a month, students may be given a week off from tuition or lessons will be rolled over to the next month (see ‘Academic Year’ below). You will notified of this well in advance and if you wish to continue your child’s lessons in the week off, additional payment will be required.

Academic Year 2022 -2023
For the full academic year we teach 44 weeks of lessons. We start term on Monday 5th September 2022 and finish week commencing (but including) Monday 24th July 2023. There is two weeks off at Christmas (there are no lessons week commencing Monday 26th December or week commencing Monday 2nd January), and then one week off in May (no lessons w/c Monday 29th May) and one week at the end of July (there are no lessons w/c Monday 31st July) and then no tuition takes place in August unless otherwise agreed. Tuition continues throughout half terms and bank holidays as normal unless 48 hours notice is provided. There are no lessons week commencing Monday 26th December or week commencing Monday 2nd January due to Christmas.

Academic Year 2023-2024
For the full academic year we teach 44 weeks of lessons. We start term on Monday 4th September 2023 and finish week commencing (but including) Monday 22nd July 2024. There is two weeks off at Christmas (there are no lessons week commencing Monday 25th December 2023 or week commencing Monday 1st January 2024), which means students will have 16 weeks of lessons (equivalent to 4 ‘billing months’) from September to December. There is then one week off at the beginning of April (no lessons w/c Monday 1st April 2024) which means students will have 12 weeks of lessons (equivalent to 3 ‘billing months’) from January to March. From w/c Monday 8th April, tuition is as normal for the months of April, May and June (which means students will have 12 weeks of lessons – equivalent to 3 ‘billing months’ from April to June. July then has 4 weeks of lessons as normal (‘one month’ from a billing perspective).Normal lessons are therefore finished by Sunday 28th July 2024) and no tuition takes place in August unless otherwise agreed. Tuition continues throughout half terms and bank holidays as normal unless 48 hours notice is provided. 

If a student can’t make a session, it’s super helpful for our tutors to know! A student is allowed to re-arrange one lesson per month provided they give 48 hours notice. If a student gives less than 48 hours notice or re-arranges more than one lesson a month, it will be treated as though no notice was provided and the lesson will not be re-scheduled, unless due to exceptional circumstances. All lessons are non-refundable and no refunds for rescheduled or missed lessons will be made. For students who have provided 48 hours notice to re-arrange a lesson, we will endeavour to re-arrange this at a convenient time for both you and the tutor. Please note any re-arranged lessons must take place within two months of the original date and will not be refunded. To re-arrange a session please email info@tutorinabox.co.uk.

Lessons will continue until a mutually agreed termination date, for 1-1 lessons this is subject to a months notice in writing on either side. Both parties reserve the right to terminate lessons at any point, giving the required notice, should tuition no longer be considered beneficial to the student. Cancellation must be done either via email to the office via email info@tutorinabox.co.uk or telephone call (to 01926 942140), a text or Facebook message is not sufficient. Please note any conversation with your tutor is not sufficient, you must contact the office directly.

Prohibition of other Arrangements

The Client will not agree any alternative fees with the Tutor or discuss costs. They agree not to render any direct payments to the Tutor. The Client is not permitted to enter into any private arrangements with any Tutor without prior written consent.

Limitation of Liability
While the Tutor will endeavour to ensure that the Student makes satisfactory progress, this cannot be guaranteed, and the Tutor cannot be held accountable for the academic success or otherwise of the Student. To the maximum extent permitted by law, the Tutor accepts no liability for any direct or indirect loss or damage, foreseeable or otherwise.

Complaints or Safeguarding Concerns
Any complaints about a Tutor can be raised to info@tutorinabox.co.uk or by contacting the Team at 01926 942140. Should you have a safeguarding concern about a Tutor please contact the Tutor In A Box Designated Safeguarding Lead, Sophie, at dsl@tutorinabox.co.uk or 07462 059 870. Tutor In A Box have an obligation to report any concerns about a child, Tutor, Parent/Carer.